Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The Useful Potholes

Oh my Mumbai, full of potholes,
Come On! You needn't get rid of those!
Turn around every weakness, I was taught,
Don't be afraid, nor distraught.

For all those who love to swim,
Unplanned as ever, just on a whim,
And for those who care not if it's cool,
Rejoice! You have a ready-made swimming pool !

You know how India fares in many sports
Mostly for want of training and support.
But now they have a reason to be cheery,
For, Long and Triple jump can be practised here,
for free!

I heard that I.S.R.O.'S planning a moon mission
As high on expenses it is, as on ambition
On training here, the might save quite a few,
After all, we have huge craters too!

Oh my Mumbai, full of potholes,
Come On! You needn't get rid of those!
They make us revise our old jokes, these potholes...
Even the old deep-thinking Sardar,
 is now sitting n one of those!